Polk County

The population of Polk County (Wikipedia) increased slightly from 20,229 in 2000 to an estimated 20,259 in 2009 (Census).  It has 860 square miles, and the county seat is Mena.

Polk County - Statewide Map
Polk County Features
Polk County Land Use
Watersheds Within Pop. Change 2006 Land Use
2000 - 2007 Population Change (Statewide)
  • Forest: 75.8%
  • Grassland: 14.8%
  • Transitional: 5.1%
  • Suburban: 3.0%
  • Urban : 0.3%
  • Cropland: 0.3%
  • Water: 0.3%
  (View Full Map) Data Source: CAST



Additional Polk County Information


Polk County Contact Information*

Visit Programs for contact information for federal and state agencies, nonprofit organizations, and associations that work statewide. 

*Not guaranteed up-to-date; please contact us if you wish to add or remove listings

Government Agencies
Agency: Arkansas Forestry Commission
Title: County Forester
Name: Jonathan Crews
Address: 4673 Hwy. 71 South
  Hatfield, AR  71945
Phone: 870-389-6608
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">jonathan.crews@arkansas.gov
Agency: Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
Title: Private Lands Biologist
Name: Ralph Meeker
Address: P.O. Box 23669
  Barling, AR  72923
Phone: 877-478-1043
Mobile: 479-651-0878
Agency: Rich Mountain Conservation District
Title: Secretary
Name: Arlene Amason
Address: 508 Seventh St.
  Mena, AR  71953
Phone: 479-394-1782
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">Arlene-Amason@ar.nacdnet.org
Agency: UofA Cooperative Extension Service
Title: County Agent
Name: Carla Vaught
Address: 211 DeQueen Street
  Mena, AR  71953
Phone: 479-394-6018
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">cvaught@uaex.edu
Agency: USDA Polk County Farm Service Agency
Title: Executive Director
Name: David Miller
Address: 508 7th Street
  Mena, AR  71953-3203
Phone: 479-394-1782 Ext. 2
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">David.Miller@ar.usda.gov
Agency: USDA NRCS Mena Service Center
Title: District Conservationist
Name: Merle Metcalf
Address: 508 7th Street
  Mena, AR  71953-3203
Phone: 479-394-1782 Ext. 3
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">Merle.Metcalf@ar.usda.gov
Elected Officials
Agency: Polk County
Title: County Judge
Name: Ray Stanley
Address: 208 Polk 89
  Mena, AR  71953
Phone: 479-394-8130
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">rstanley@allegiance.tv
Agency: Town of Cove
Title: Mayor of Cove
Name: Greg Ricks
Address: 160 East Barton Avenue
  Cove, AR  71937
Phone: 870-387-5811
Agency: City of Grannis
Title: Mayor of Grannis
Name: Elvin Harrison
Address: 927 Frachiseur Road
  Grannis, AR  71944
Phone: 870-385-2448
Agency: Town of Hatfield
Title: Mayor of Hatfield
Name: Larry Stricklin
Address: Post Office Box 273
  Hatfield, AR  71945
Phone: 870-389-6737
Agency: City of Mena
Title: Mayor of Mena
Name: George McKee
Address: 718 Meadowbrook Drive
  Mena, AR  71953
Phone: 479-394-2172
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">irishgolfer89@sbcglobal.net
Agency: Town of Vandervoort
Title: Mayor of Vandervoort
Name: Terisia Hartley
Address: Post Office Box 106
  Vandervoort, AR  71972
Phone: 870-387-2144
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">rthartley@windstream.com
Agency: Town of Wickes
Title: Mayor of Wickes
Name: Leon McCleskey
Address: Post Office Box 158
  Wickes, AR  71973
Phone: 870-385-2519
Agency: House District 022
Title: State Representative District 022
Name: Bill Abernathy
Address: 1309 Texas St
  Mena, AR  71953
Phone: 479-394-2733
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">abernathyb@arkleg.state.ar.us
Agency: Senate District 06
Title: State Senate District 06
Name: Ed Wilkinson
Address: 3125 Ashebury Point
  Greenwood, AR  72936
Phone: 479-996-4171
Agency: Senate District 20
Title: State Senate District 20
Name: Jim Hill
Address: 100 Center
  Nashville, AR  71852
Phone: 870-845-3273
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">jhill@arkleg.state.ar.us




  • Clean Water Act Section 303(d) Impaired Waters Data Update here
  • Arkansas’s Final/ Draft Impaired Waterbodies – 303(d) List by Year here
  • AR Water Newsletter, Summer, 2015 here
  • NPS Management Plan (PDF) here
  • The projects presented at the 2015 annual NPS conference are located here

Interactive Map

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