Johnson County

The population of Johnson County (Wikipedia) increased from 22,781 in 2000 to an estimated 24,994 in 2009 (Census).  It has 662 square miles, and the county seat is Clarksville.

Johnson County - Statewide Map
Johnson County Features
Johnson County Land Use
Watersheds Within Pop. Change 2006 Land Use
2000 - 2007 Population Change (Statewide)
  • Forest: 72.8%
  • Grassland: 14.4%
  • Transitional: 5.9%
  • Water: 2.8%
  • Suburban: 2.5
  • Cropland: 1.1%
  • Urban : 0.7%
  (View Full Map) Data Source: CAST



Additional Johnson County Information


Johnson County Contact Information*

Visit Programs for contact information for federal and state agencies, nonprofit organizations, and associations that work statewide. 

*Not guaranteed up-to-date; please contact us if you wish to add or remove listings

Government Agencies
Agency: Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
Title: Private Lands Biologist
Name: Ralph Meeker
Address: P.O. Box 23669
  Barling, AR  72923
Phone: 877-478-1043
Mobile: 479-651-0878
Agency: Johnson County Conservation District
Title: Secretary
Name: Jennifer Wages
Address: 705 Cline Rd.
  Clarksville, AR  72830-3932
Phone: 479-754-2760
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">
Agency: Natural Resources Conservation Service
Title: District Conservationist
Name: Alvin Peer
Address: Post Office Box 218
  Clarksville, AR  72830-3932
Agency: UofA Cooperative Extension Service
Title: County Agent
Name: Blair Griffin
Address: Post Office Box 590
  Clarksville, AR  72830
Phone: 479-754-2240
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">
Agency: USDA NRCS Clarksville Service Center
Title: District Conservationist
Name: John Kluthe
Address: PO Box 218
  Clarksville, AR  72830-0218
Phone: 479-754-2800 Ext. 3
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">
Agency: USDA Johnson County Farm Service Agency
Title: Executive Director
Name: Stephen Atkinson
Address: PO Box 218
  Clarksville, AR  72830-0218
Phone: 479-754-2800 Ext. 1
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">
Elected Officials
Agency: Johnson County
Title: County Judge
Name: Mike Jacobs
Address: Route 3 Box 229C
  Post Office Box 278
  Clarksville, AR  72830
Phone: 501-754-2175
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">
Agency: City of Altus
Title: Mayor of Altus
Name: Debra Davenport
Address: Post Office Box 189
  Hartman, AR  72840
Phone: 479 4972070
Agency: City of Altus
Title: Mayor of Coal Hill
Name: Ronnie Garner
Address: 500 Gravel Hill Road
  Altus, AR  72821
Phone: 479-497-2081
Agency: City of Hartman
Title: Mayor of Hartman
Name: Debra Davenport
Address: Post Office Box 189
  Hartman, AR  72840
Phone: 479-497-1109
Agency: City of Knoxville
Title: Mayor of Knoxville
Name: Daniel Roe
Address: Post Office Box 121
  Knoxville, AR  72845
Phone: 479-885-6523
Agency: City of Lamar
Title: Mayor of Lamar
Name: Bobby Joe Wilkins
Address: Post Office Box 198
  Lamar, AR  72846
Agency: House District 069
Title: State Representative District 069
Name: George Overbey, Jr.
Address: Post Office Box 177
  Lamar, AR  72846
Phone: 479-885-6479
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">
Agency: Senate District 02
Title: State Senate District 02
Name: Randy Laverty
Address: Post Office Box 165
  Jasper, AR  72641
Phone: 870-446-5005
Agency: Senate District 06
Title: State Senate District 06
Name: Ed Wilkinson
Address: 3125 Ashebury Point
  Greenwood, AR  72936
Phone: 479-996-4171


  • Clean Water Act Section 303(d) Impaired Waters Data Update here
  • Arkansas’s Final/ Draft Impaired Waterbodies – 303(d) List by Year here
  • AR Water Newsletter, Summer, 2015 here
  • NPS Management Plan (PDF) here
  • The projects presented at the 2015 annual NPS conference are located here

Interactive Map

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