Eleven Point Watershed (Watershed Page)
The tables below were created using data from ADEQ 303(d) reports.
- Download complete 303(d) data for all watersheds (Excel)
- Definitions of categories and table abbreviations at bottom of page
There are no 2008 Category 4a streams in this watershed.
There are no 2006 Category 4a streams in this watershed.
There are no 2004 Category 4a streams in this watershed.
Table Definitions & Abbreviations (ADEQ)
Assessment Types
Designated Uses
Category (1 to 5) Definitions
E = Evaluated
M = MonotoredFish Consumption
Aquatic Life (Stream can support a balancesd aquatic community)
Primary Contact (Swimming)
Secondary Contact (Fishable/ Wadable)
Drinking Water
Agriculture & Industry
S = The designated use is fully supported
N = The designated use is not supported
Blank =1 = Attaining all designated uses;2 = Attaining some designated uses, but there is insufficient data to determine if other uses are being attained;3 = Insufficient data to determine if any designated use(s) is attained;4 = Impaired for one or more designated uses, but does not require the development of a TMDL because:a. A TMDL has been completed for the listed parameter(s);b. Other pollution control requirements are expected to result in attainment of water quality standards;c. Waters which are not attaining current water quality standards and/or assessment criteria but do not require the development of a TMDL because the impairment is not caused by a pollutant.5 = The waterbody may be impaired, or one or more designated uses may not be attained. Waterbodies in Category 5 are placed in one of the following subcategories by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality for management purposes:a. Truly impaired; develop a TMDL or other corrective action(s) for the listed parameter(s);b. Waters not attaining standards, but could be de-listed with the adoption of future Regulation No. 2 revisions;c. Waters in which the data is questionable because of QA/QC procedures and which require confirmation before a TMDL or other corrective action(s) is scheduled;d. Waters which need data verification to confirm use impairment (additional sampling, biological assessment) before a TMDL or other corrective action(s) is scheduled;e. Waters which are impaired by point source discharges and future permit restrictions are expected to correct the problem;f. These are waters that are not currently meeting a water quality standard. However, “the basis for not meeting an applicable water quality standard is not caused by a pollutant, but is attributed to other types of pollution” (EPA, 2005).SI = Siltation/Turbidity
AM = Ammonia
SE2 = Surface Erosion
NO3 = Nitrogen
TP = Total Phosphorus
NU1 = Nutrients (NO3, TP)
DO = Dissolved Oxygen
PA = Pathogen Indicators (bacteria)
CL = Chlorides
SO4 = Sulfates
TDS = Total Dissolved Solids
OE = Organic Enrichment
PO = Priority Organics
Al = Aluminum
Be = Beryllium
Cd = Cadmium
Cu = Copper
Pb = Lead
Zn = Zinc
Hg = MercuryAG = Agrilculture
SE2 = Surface Erosion
RE = Resource Extraction
SV = Silviculture
UR = Urban Runoff
RC = Road Construction/Maintenance
IP = Industrial Point Source
MP = Municipal Point Source
HP = Hydropower
UN = Unknown