An updated Arkansas Nutrient Management Planning (ARNMP) tool is now available for use.
The revised version (ARNMP11142017) has updated soils information based on the November 2017 NRCS soils data updates available via their web soil survey. In addition, some corrections regarding BMP effectiveness limits and standard numbers have been made.
The potential for the differences resulting from updated information, such as soil hydrological group and RUSLE R values, resulting in changes in the P index estimates, associated maximum litter application rates, and litter surplus/deficit values being different than estimates from the previous tool appears to be smaller than the last revision. However, it is still recommended that the use of the previous planning tool be discontinued and the revised tool used.
Another change is the creation of a new shorter web page link. As a result the current planning tool can be downloaded from by right clicking on ARNMP111417.xlsm in the Computer Software section. The Microsoft Excel file can then be saved to the desired location on your hard drive. As this planning tool is a Microsoft Excel workbook utilizing visual basic macros, users will need to accept the use of macros for the tool to function fully.
A recommended publication for P-index information is “Using the 2010 Arkansas Phosphorus Index” (PDF).
Questions can be addressed to:
Karl VanDevender Ph.D., PE
Professor - Extension Engineer
University of Arkansas System
Division of Agriculture
2301 S. University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204-4940
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 501-671-2244
Cell: 501-944-1016
Fax: 501-671-2303